Trung tâm ngoại ngữ Bộ Ngoại Giao Trung tâm Ngoại ngữ - Trường Đại Học Sài Gòn

Have you ever heard anyone say learning English is a waste of time? No! At least I've never and if someone ever says that to me, I'm ready to refute that! No matter how old you are or where you are in life, learning English is always a good idea. Most importantly learning is not just one-way but it's a collaborative effort. You learn from me, I learn from you, you may learn from other English learners and benefit from their questions. So stay motivated and help each other learn! - See more at:
Trung tâm ngoại ngữ Bộ Ngoại Giao
Trung tâm Ngoại ngữ - Trường Đại Học Sài Gòn
ngoại ngữ An Dương Vương

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