học tiếng anh cơ bản hoc ngoai ngu

Have you ever had a computer problem where you work very hard at something but your computer breaks down or fails to save your work? I still remember a time when I was in college, I spent days working on a final research paper. For some reason, just when I was proofreading my work on my computer, something terrible happened and I lost everything! I was so angry at my computer and scared that I wouldn't have time to redo this paper. After wasting a few hours crying, I started it again, stayed up all night, and managed to finish it. At that time it was a very serious and big problem. It was a MAJOR problem. But now when I think back, it was not as serious as I had thought. It was quite MINOR compared to many other things in life.

Can you guess the meaning of MAJOR and MINOR? It distinguishes something between serious or less serious, important or less important. 
Difference between major and minor, The English Student
Let's talk about MAJOR and MINOR as adjectives. Place it in front of nouns to describe whether something is serious or not so serious.
học tiếng anh cơ bản
hoc ngoai ngu
giai tieng anh
gia su tieng anh

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