Meaning: in the near touching

Meaning: in the near touching
Use (place): Used in front of buildings as homes, airports, universities (to indicate that we are inside) before "top" (top), "bottom" (bottom), "the end of" (at the end of) to indicate events such as meetings, parties, concerts, sports, etc ..., behind "arrive" (get) when referring to places other than cities or countries.
Examples: He is at home. (He is at home.) I always visit my sister at work. (Whenever I visit my sister at work.) We eat at the table. (We eat at the table.) She will see him at the theater. (We will see in the theater.) Her name is at the bottom of the page. (His name is on the bottom of the page.) When did you arrive at the airport? (When did you get to the airport?)
Use (time): We use it ahead of time and holidays.
Examples: He runs every morning at 6. (He runs every morning at 6.) I will see them at Christmas. (We'll see you at Christmas.)
Meaning: on, on something, playing
Use (place) is placed in front of place names based as tables, floors, etc ..., when we refer to places of a room as the ceiling or wall and to indicate that someone is in a public transport or plant a building.
Examples: The pen is on the table. (The pen is on the table.) They Have a photograph of Paris on the wall. (Have a photo of Paris on the wall.) I am on the bus. (I'm on the bus.) Her apartment is on the second floor. (His apartment is on the second floor.)
Use (time): We use it with days of the week, dates and parties.
Examples: They Went to Mexico on the first of May. (They went to Mexico in early May.) He runs on Mondays and Fridays. (He runs on Mondays and Fridays.) I will see Luis on his birthday. (Will I see Luis on his birthday.)
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