Every month I try to make something easy, healthy, and delicious so that we can all cook and learn new English words together. This month is the Strawberry Avocado Toast. It tastes as delicious as it looks!

My brother-in-law (my husband's younger brother) lives on a beautiful island in Washington State called Whidbey Island. Last weekend, my husband and I took a drive from Seattle to visit him, his wife and meet their newborn baby, Mario (he is so adorable!). They have a beautiful garden with lots of vegetables, fruits, and chickens! We got a bag of delicious produce from them. If you follow me on Instagram, you would have probably seen it! Since we had some strawberries from his garden, I decided to make this super easy Strawberry Avocado Toast recipe. Follow this recipe and learn seven new verbs.
strawberry avocado toast, sandwich recipes, learn English, English verbs, The English Student
Balsamic Vinegar
Bread (I used whole grain)
Lemon (if you'd like some extra flavor!)
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