To tip or not to tip, that is the question

Activity 4

News Report

To tip or not to tip, that is the question

A pound coin

Is tipping part of daily life in your country - or do you never leave a tip when you pay for a meal?
Listen to this week's News Report - you'll hear several examples of question forms in action. If you need extra help, there's a transcript to read while you listen - or if you're feeling brave, listen without the transcript.
After you've listened, why not practise your pronunciation by reading the transcript out loud?
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You can download News Report from our Unit 1 downloads page. (size 2MB)


tipsmall amount of money that you give to a person who gives you a service
budgetthe amount of money you can spend on something
wagesmoney you earn from working
incomemoney people receive, usually from working
bannedofficially not allowed
diningeating a meal
embarrassmentfeeling shy
offencefeeling upset, hurt or annoyed
học tiếng anh cơ bản
hoc ngoai ngu
giai tieng anh
gia su tieng anh

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