The challenge is set

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The challenge is set

"Hello - I'm Phil. I'm about to face a challenge that could give me a great adventure - and a lot of money. What could it be? Find out now in episode one of The Race."
What examples of 'asking questions' and 'giving personal information' can you find in this episode? The answers are shown in bold in the transcript.
Phil (speaking to himself) Hello, I'm PhilI live in London. My apartment is close to the Houses of Parliament and I can hear the bells of Big Ben chiming every hour. I live on bus route number 88 which is handy because it takes me to my office in Oxford Circus. What do I do? Well, I'm an author – I write books – but don't worry if you haven't heard of me, my books never sell – ever. In fact I want a career changebecause I desperately need some money. When I pay all my bills, you see, I only have enough spare money to buy a few drinks at my local pub – The Horse and Groom. That reminds me – I've got to go there now to meet some friends. Excuse me, we'll speak again soon.
tieng anh hoa mat troi
Trường Ngoại ngữ Sài Gòn Hợp Điểm
Trung tâm tiếng Anh SaiGon Vina
Ngoại Ngữ Dương Minh

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To tip or not to tip, that is the question

Activity 4

News Report

To tip or not to tip, that is the question

A pound coin

Is tipping part of daily life in your country - or do you never leave a tip when you pay for a meal?
Listen to this week's News Report - you'll hear several examples of question forms in action. If you need extra help, there's a transcript to read while you listen - or if you're feeling brave, listen without the transcript.
After you've listened, why not practise your pronunciation by reading the transcript out loud?
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tipsmall amount of money that you give to a person who gives you a service
budgetthe amount of money you can spend on something
wagesmoney you earn from working
incomemoney people receive, usually from working
bannedofficially not allowed
diningeating a meal
embarrassmentfeeling shy
offencefeeling upset, hurt or annoyed
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hoc ngoai ngu
giai tieng anh
gia su tieng anh

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Dear Sir or Hey, folks

Activity 1

Dear Sir or Hey, folks?

Skills practice - reading and vocabulary

Do you know how to begin an e-mail? What do you normally write at the beginning of a letter? Read this article about ways of beginning e-mails and letters. While you read look at the words in bold and try to guess their meanings. Look at the context (the words before and after the words in bold) to help you guess.
When you have finished reading, check your guesses by playing the definition game at the bottom of the page.
Read the text

Article: Should e-mails open with Dear, Hi or Hey?

It's time people stopped using the word 'Dear…' to start work e-mails. That's according to Giselle Barry, a woman who works in the United States Congress. She surprised lots of people by starting an email to a group of journalists with the words 'Hey, folks.'
Ms Barry thinks 'Dear' is too intimate and makes it sound like you have a personal relationship with the person you are writing to.
It seems she's not alone. E-mail and the internet have changed the rules about how to write. In the past, there was no choice, but now you can see e-mails from people starting with 'hello', 'hi' and even 'hey'.
The American newspaper, the Wall Street Journal, wrote 'Across the internet, the use of 'dear' is going…'
But not everyone is as relaxed about this as Ms Barry. Etiquette expert Jean Broke-Smith says, 'I'm fed up with people writing 'Hi Jean' when they've never met me.'
'If you're sending a business e-mail you should begin 'Dear...' - like a letter. You are presenting yourself. Politeness and etiquette are essential.
How about you? Do you think that the internet has made the language you use less formal? Is that a good or a bad thing? How important is it to be polite?
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Getting to know each other

Getting to know each other

Alice, Amith and Sophie

Our presenters have got together to ask each other some questions. Watch the video and listen out for the things that they like and dislike. How would you answer the questions?
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Hi, I'm Alice.
Hey, I'm Sophie.
And I'm Amith. Alright? OK, question one: Who do you love most in the world?
This is a tricky one. I can't pick one person. I'd have to say my family.
I think like a lot of people I'd probably say my mum. She's my rock and my best friend.
My turn. Question two: What makes you scream?
Rollercoasters. I'm absolutely terrified of being upside down.
Dentists. I scream like a baby.
My turn. Question three: How do you take your coffee?
It's never just coffee. I prefer cappuccinos, darling!
I'm more of a typical British tea drinker. If I do have a coffee I usually have an Americano with cold milk. Cold milk is very important.
Can I do another one? Question four: When did you last cry?
When I became an uncle.
I think mine was the last time I went to see a musical. The show was so beautiful I was moved to tears.
Question five: Are you feeling excited?
Yes! It's really exciting to be here and I'm quite an excitable person.
Yes, very excited.
OK, question six. This comes in three parts. Do you speak another language?
Yes, I have attempted to learn several languages.
Which ones?
Bengali, Hindi and Urdu are my strongest and I'm learning Farsi and French.
I've studied French and Mandarin and Japanese, but I'm not very good at any of them.
And can you sing a song in French?
How about Frere Jacque? (Sings) Come on Amith - your turn.
OK, a song in Hindi (Sings).
That was lovely Amith! I think that's all we've got time for with questions. I think we know each other a little better now.
I think we do!

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Meaning: in the near touching

Meaning: in the near touching
Use (place): Used in front of buildings as homes, airports, universities (to indicate that we are inside) before "top" (top), "bottom" (bottom), "the end of" (at the end of) to indicate events such as meetings, parties, concerts, sports, etc ..., behind "arrive" (get) when referring to places other than cities or countries.
Examples: He is at home. (He is at home.) I always visit my sister at work. (Whenever I visit my sister at work.) We eat at the table. (We eat at the table.) She will see him at the theater. (We will see in the theater.) Her name is at the bottom of the page. (His name is on the bottom of the page.) When did you arrive at the airport? (When did you get to the airport?)
Use (time): We use it ahead of time and holidays.
Examples: He runs every morning at 6. (He runs every morning at 6.) I will see them at Christmas. (We'll see you at Christmas.)
Meaning: on, on something, playing
Use (place) is placed in front of place names based as tables, floors, etc ..., when we refer to places of a room as the ceiling or wall and to indicate that someone is in a public transport or plant a building.
Examples: The pen is on the table. (The pen is on the table.) They Have a photograph of Paris on the wall. (Have a photo of Paris on the wall.) I am on the bus. (I'm on the bus.) Her apartment is on the second floor. (His apartment is on the second floor.)
Use (time): We use it with days of the week, dates and parties.
Examples: They Went to Mexico on the first of May. (They went to Mexico in early May.) He runs on Mondays and Fridays. (He runs on Mondays and Fridays.) I will see Luis on his birthday. (Will I see Luis on his birthday.)
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Uses Of The Definite Article (uses the definite article)

Uses Of The Definite Article (uses the definite article)

1. When we know who or what we are talking about.
We use "the" to indicate something or someone in particular, why it is called defined. We talked about something or someone specific that both the sender and receiver of the message know that it has previously come out in conversation or because the two previously known.


 What is the name of the restaurant? (What is the name of the restaurant?)
 Do you remember the day We went to New York? (Do you remember the day we went to New York?)
 Who is the president of the United States? (Who is the President of the United States?)
 The doctor is very good. (The doctor is very good.)
2. the names of geological regions, mountain ranges, seas, oceans, groups of islands, rivers and plural countries.


 The United States (United States)
 The Netherlands (The Netherlands)
 The Andes (The Andes mountains)
 The Atlantic Ocean (the Atlantic Ocean)
 The Canary Islands (Canary Islands)
 The Nile River (River Nile)
3. To refer to directions (right, left, top, bottom) and the cardinal points (north, south, east, west).


 the south of France (southern France)
 the house on the left (the house on the left)
 the top of the page (top of the page / top of the page)
4. With superlative adjectives and ordinal numbers.


 the tallest building (the tallest building)
 the strongest man (the strongest man)
 the first time (the first time)
 the second floor (the second floor)
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Grammatical Rules (grammar rules)

Grammatical Rules (grammar rules)

1. "A" is used with names that begin with a consonant.


  a book (a book)
  a pen (pen)
  a chair (chair)
  a girl (a girl)
2. "An" is used with names that begin with a vowel.


  Animal an (animal)
  an ice cream (ice cream)
  an example (an example)
  an orange (orange)
  an umbrella (umbrella)

We use "a" before words that begin with the letters "u" or "eu" when these are pronounced as the figurative sound "yu".


  a university (college)
  to euro (one euro)
"W" is used with words beginning with "h", but only when it is silent.


  an hour (one hour)
  a hospital (a hospital)
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Example reflective myself

Example reflective
myself, to me I saw it myself.
I saw it myself.
yourself (to you), yourself (you) Do not burn yourself!
Do not get burned! / Do not burn!
he himself He hurt himself.
Damage was done.
she, herself She did it herself.
She did it herself.
himself himself The cat scratched itself.
The cat scratched.
We made it ourselves ourselves.
We have done it ourselves.
yourselves, yourself Did you paint the house yourselves?
Do you Pintasteis the home you own? / Will they painted the house yourself?
They Were themselves speaking to themselves.
They talked about themselves.
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Câu trả lời (trả lời): Đó là Michael. (Nó là Miguel.)

1. Luôn luôn sử dụng sở hữu cách để tham khảo những người: nhà của Paul ... (Ngôi nhà của Paul ...) xe đạp của Mary ... (Những chiếc xe đạp Maria ...)
2. Khi chúng tôi đề cập đến những điều hay nơi sử dụng giới từ "của": Các bánh xe của chiếc xe đạp ... (Các bánh xe đạp ...) Washington là thành phố thủ đô của Hoa Kỳ. (Washington là thủ đô của Hoa Kỳ.)
3. Chúng tôi cũng có thể sử dụng sở hữu cách ở cuối câu dùng để có câu trả lời cho một câu hỏi trước. Trong những trường hợp này chúng ta không cần tên.
Câu hỏi (câu hỏi): ở đâu là em gái của bạn? (Trong trường hợp là em gái của bạn?)
Câu trả lời (trả lời): Cô là mẹ của tôi. (Đó là trên ngôi nhà của cha mẹ tôi.)
Câu hỏi (câu hỏi): ai là ngôi nhà này? (Nhà có được điều này?)
Câu trả lời (trả lời): Đó là Michael. (Nó là Miguel.)
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Ăn mặc của cô ... (trang phục của mình ... [nó])

Việc sở hữu cách "-s" không nên nhầm lẫn với đại từ sở hữu. Vì vậy, chúng ta có thể nói:

  Ăn mặc của cô ... (trang phục của mình ... [nó])
Hoặc chúng ta có thể nói:

  Váy của Andrea ... (Andrea váy ...)
Trong cả hai trường hợp, chúng tôi thể hiện một sở hữu và sở hữu, trong trường hợp này chiếc váy. Trong câu đầu tiên, các đại từ sở hữu nữ tính "của cô" chỉ ra rằng cả người nói và người nghe chỉ cần tham khảo cùng một người. Trong khi đó, trong trường hợp thứ hai, người nói muốn công bố tên của người sở hữu.
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Đại từ tiếng Anh phân biệt giữa nam giới

Đại từ tiếng Anh phân biệt giữa nam giới (và), nữ tính (cô) và trung tính (nó).
Các đại từ nhân xưng "nó" được sử dụng khi đề cập đến những điều, những con vật không biết quan hệ tình dục hoặc thời gian của họ (lịch và thời tiết). Các hình thức số nhiều của "nó" là "họ".
Ví dụ: nó [sách] là ở đâu? (Ở đâu [cuốn sách]?) Bây giờ là mấy? (What time is it?) Trời đang mưa. (Trời đang mưa.)
thi tieng anh tren mang
thi tieng anh
ôn thi toeic
luyện thi toeic

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 As a general rule, the plural is formed by adding '-s' to the singular form of nouns.shoe --> shoes | book --> books | river --> rivers 

> Nouns ending in 's' or 'ss' will generally take the ending '-es' :bus --> buses | kiss --> kisses 

> Words ending in consonant + 'y' will generally take the ending '-ies' in place of the 'y':party --> parties | supply --> supplies 

> A few words have very irregular forms in the plural:one man --> two men
one woman --> two women
one person --> two people
one foot --> two feet
one mouse --> two mice
one goose --> two geese
one tooth --> two teeth
one wife --> two wives
one child --> two children
one knife --> two knives
one thief --> two thieves
one dwarf --> two dwarves (or: dwarfs)
one potato --> two potatoes
one leaf --> two leaves
one life --> two lives
one loaf --> two loaves
one half --> two halves 

> A small set of words do not change form in the plural:one moose --> two moose
one sheep --> two sheep
one aircraft --> two aircraft

> Words of Greek or Latin origin which have retained their original endings will generally take the plural form associated with the language they are drawn from:one alumnus --> two alumni
one syllabus --> two syllabi
one alumna --> two alumnae
one alga --> many algae
one criterion --> many criteria
one forum --> many fora (or : forums)
one thesis --> two theses
one hypothesis --> two hypotheses
one phenomenon --> two phenomena
one cactus --> two cacti (or : cactuses)
one diagnosis --> two diagnoses
one oasis --> two oases
one analysis --> two analyses 

> A few nouns are invariable or collective, always indicating a plural meaning:She gave me some information.
Michelle has a lot of clothes.

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1) General rule
English nouns rarely change form, even to indicate gender. As a general rule, only nouns referring to people and some animals reflect gender
in their form. By the same token, unlike many other languages, the adjectives modifying nouns will remain unchanged.
Example: My poor little dog died.

2) However, certain nouns −− especially those referring to people −− may have different forms to indicate masculin or feminine usage:
man −− woman
gentleman −− lady
actor −− actress
uncle −− aunt
father −− mother

The same can be said of certain male and female animals:
a buck, a doe
a ram, a ewe
a bull, a cow
a stallion, a mare

3) In other cases, the word 'male' or 'female' is added, if it is considered necessary to be specific:
a female cat
a male giraffe

4) Pronouns
Note: If the gender of the person or animal is known, one will generally use the pronoun 'he' or 'she' to refer to it, as appropriate. When the
gender is left unstated, the pronoun 'he' is generally used when speaking of people, or 'it' when speaking of animals. Some objects are also
considered to be gendered in certain usages: some people may refer to a boat or a car as 'she.'

5) Man/Woman
Certain nouns (especially the names of professions) are traditionally associated with men or women, in which case one signals exceptions to
the tradition by adding 'woman' (or 'lady') or 'man' to the term:
They are in a group of male dancers.
My wife prefers to see a woman doctor.
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