So, what was your favourite law? And can you think of a funnier one?

Your turn

So, what was your favourite law? And can you think of a funnier one?
In fewer than 50 words, make up a crazy law - using a participle clause, if you can!
If you need to remind yourself about the participle clauses, have another look at Session 2.
Send your emails to us here
Please write 'Unit 27: crazy laws' in the subject line so we know what your email is about. We can't give individual feedback, but we do read all your emails, and we'll publish our favourites here or on our social media sites.

Mario, Italy

However strange it may seem, some of the following rules are true in my country.
No sitting on chairs with missing leg
No going up on upper floors by using stairs nor elevator
No reaching the next train station earlier than the train you are on
No using firearms to kill mosquitoes
Homeless people found going around with no money will be fined
No riding a motorbike with three or more passengers

Taras, Ukraine

I like the law about get a fish drunk and dying in British Parliament. But I'd like to create own stupid law. Being honest I've heard this one. So starting - it is illegal to throw away deer from aircraft while flying. The law seems to exist in one of the US states but I don't remember in which one.
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