Đang Chuyển Trang...

Kho sách tiêng Anh

Đang Chuyển Trang...
Đang Chuyển Trang...


1. Amused: Thích thú
2. Bored: Chán
3. Confused: Bối rối, lúng túng, ngượng ngùng
4. Delighted: Vui mừng, hài lòng
5. Depressed: Chán nản, thất vọng, buồn phiền
6. Disappointed: Thất vọng
7. Embarrassed: Lúng túng, bối rối, ngượng
8. Excited: Bị kích thích, bị kích động, sôi nổi
9. Fed up: Buồn chán, chán ngấy
10. Guilty: Tội lỗi
11. Homesick: Nhớ nhà, nhớ quê hương
12. Irritated: Tức tối; cáu tiết
13. Jealous: Ghen tị, ghen ghét, đố kỵ
14. Nervous: Dễ nóng nảy, bực dọc, hay lo lắng, bồn chồn
15. Pleased: Hài lòng
16. Relieved: Thanh thản, cảm thấy bớt căng thẳng
17. Scared: Bị hoảng sợ
18. Shocked: Sốc
19. Upset: Buồn
20. Outgoing: Dễ gần, thoải mái

SHARE lại dùng dần nhé!

SHARE lại dùng dần nhé!
1. Assurer (insurer): người bảo hiểm
2. Assured (insured): người được bảo hiểm
3. CFS warehouse (container freight station): kho hàng lẻ
4. Bulk cargo: hàng rời
5. Collective bill/ lading: vận đơn chung
6. Commission: hoa hồng

7. Lift-on/ lift off container ship (LO ship): tàu container bốc dỡ qua mạn
8. Roll-on/ roll off container ship (RO ship): tàu container bốc dỡ theo cầu dẫn
9. Container yard: nơi tiếp nhận và lưu trữ container, bãi container
10. Currency adjustment charges (CAC): phụ phí điều chỉnh tiền cước
11. Customs clearance: việc thông quan
12. Demurrage: bốc/ dỡ chậm
13. Demurrage charge: tiền phạt bốc/ dỡ chậm
14. Consolidation = groupage: việc gom hàng
15. Consignee = cargo receive: người nhận hàng
16. Carrier: người vận tải/ tàu vận chuyển
17. Agency agreement: hợp đồng đại lý
18. Agency fess: đại lý phí
19. All in rate: cước toàn bộ
20. All risks (A.R): bảo hiểm mọi rủi ro
21. Bonded warehouse or Bonded store: kho ngoại quan
22. Bulker adjustment factor (BAF): Hệ số điều chỉnh giá nguyên liệu
23. Clean on board bill of lading: vận đơn sạch, hàng đã xuống tàu
24. Closing date or closing time: ngày hết hạn nhận chở hàng
25. Combined transport or multimodal transport: vận tải phối hay hay vận tải đa phương thức
26. Lighter-carrier or lighter aboard ship (LASH ): tàu chở sà lan
27. Currency adjustment factor (CAF): hệ số điều chỉnh cước
28. Delivery order: lệnh giao hàng


- Brave: Can đảm
- Careful: Cẩn thận
- Cheerful: Vui vẻ
- Easy going: Dễ gần.
- Exciting: Thú vị
- Friendly: Thân thiện.
- Funny: Vui vẻ.
- Generous: Hào phóng
- Hardworking: Chăm chỉ.
- Kind: Tốt bụng.
- Out going: Cởi mở.
- Polite: Lịch sự.
- Quiet: Ít nói
- Serious: Nghiêm túc.
- Shy: Nhút nhát
- Smart = intelligent: Thông minh.
- Sociable: Hòa đồng.
- Soft: Dịu dàng
- Strict: Nghiêm khắc
- Talented: Tài năng, có tài.
- Ambitious: Có nhiều tham vọng
- Cautious: Thận trọng.
- Confident: Tự tin
- Creative: Sáng tạo
- Dependable: Đáng tin cậy
- Enthusiastic: Hăng hái, nhiệt tình
- Extroverted: hướng ngoại
- Introverted: Hướng nội
- imaginative: giàu trí tưởng tượng
- Observant: Tinh ý
- Optimistic: Lạc quan
- Pessimistic: Bi quan
- Rational: Có chừng mực, có lý trí
- Reckless: Hấp Tấp
- Sincere: Thành thật
- Stubborn: Bướng bỉnh (as stubborn as a mule)
- Understantding: hiểu biết
- Wise: Thông thái uyên bác.
- Clever: Khéo léo
- Tacful: Lịch thiệp
- Faithful: Chung thủy
- Gentle: Nhẹ nhàng
- Humorous: hài hước
- Honest: trung thực
- Loyal: Trung thành
- Patient: Kiên nhẫn
- Open-minded: Khoáng đạt
- Modest: Khiêm tốn
- Keen: Say mê
- Headstrong: Cứng đầu
- Naughty: nghịch ngợm

Asking the question

Why is "What should I call you?" such a difficult question to ask? Perhaps it's because you are asking the other person to provide their status or position in the world in relationship to yours. This position may involve age, job, education, religion and even marital status.
Note that:
for Mr we say "Mister"
for Mrs we say "Misses"
for Miss we say "Miss"
for Ms we say "Mizz" Audio Tip
Show transcript
Since English is a language, rather than a culture, it is difficult to teach English learners exactly how to address people. There will always be some people and some professions that require more formality than others. Addressing people in writing has different rules and formalities than in speaking.

Asking the question

If you are unsure of what to call someone, it's best to use a formal address or simply ask one of these questions:
  • What should I call you?
  • What should I call your mum / the teacher / the manager?
  • Can I call you [first name] ?
  • Is it okay if I call you [the nickname you've heard others use] ?
  • What's your name? (use in a casual situation like a party or classroom where first names are used)

Answering the question

You might not be the only person wondering about titles. Students, colleagues or acquaintances may not know what to call you. If they seem unsure about how to pronounce your name, or you want them to call you something more casual, help them out:

Compound Nouns

A compound noun is a noun that is made up of two or more words. Most compound nouns in English are formed by nouns modified by other nouns or adjectives.
For example:
The words tooth and paste are each nouns in their own right, but if you join them together they form a new word - toothpaste.
The word black is an adjective and board is a noun, but if you join them together they form a new word - blackboard.
In both these example the first word modifies or describes the second word, telling us what kind of object or person it is, or what its purpose is. And the second part identifies the object or person in question.
Compound nouns can also be formed using the following combinations of words:-
Adjective+Nounmonthly ticket
Verb+Nounswimming pool
Noun+Prepositionhanger on
The two parts may be written in a number of ways:-
1. Sometimes the two words are joined together.
Example: tooth + paste = toothpaste | bed + room = bedroom
2. Sometimes they are joined using a hyphen.
Example: check-in
3. Sometimes they appear as two separate words. 
Example: full moon
There's a list of lots of compound words here.
A good dictionary will tell you how you should write each compound noun.
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